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Ask for Your Support "Coronavirus Relief"

Ask for Your Support "Coronavirus Relief"

Ask for Your Support "Coronavirus Relief"

The Coronavirus Relief for Seniors and People with Disabilities Act was introduced in the U.S. Senate in March. When passed the bill will:


• Increase funding for nursing home surveys and promote infection control;

• Help low-income seniors afford the cost of treatment if diagnosed with COVID-19;

• Protect home health workers and promote home and community-based services; and

• Ensure seniors and people with disabilities maintain access to home-based meals and services. 

This bill is essential to protect our most vulnerable population. We respectfully request your personal support and/or your organization's support of this important act and ask you to contact both Senators Casey and Toomey to urge they extend their immediate support to move the bill.

Information on the bill is attached. Also attached is a draft of a letter you can model.

Thank you very much for your help.

Judith Black, MD, MHA

Thank you for your continuing support of POLST.


Coalition for Quality at the End of Life (CQEL)


Jewish Healthcare Foundation

Centre City Tower, Suite 2400

650 Smithfield Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15222





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