POLST Self-Study
The following modules are adapted from the “POLST: Doing it Right!” curriculum. Each module may be completed individually but it is highly recommended that you complete Module 1: Introduction to POLST prior to completing other modules.
The following modules will provide:
- Information about Advance Health Care Directives since POLST works best when someone has selected the person who would speak for them if they become unable to make their own medical decisions
- Modules focused on learning and facilitating the “POLST Conversation with patients and families
- Techniques and tools to improve facilitation skills
- Teaching materials which attendees can use across all health care settings
- Information for EMS providers to use POLST in practice.
- Discussion of how POLST can be used in the pediatric setting.
- Techniques for incorporating cultural humility and inclusion when facilitating POLST conversations
Continuing education for these modules is available. Details to receive continuing education are provided at the end of each course.

Module 1: Introduction to POLST

Module 2: Overview of Advance Directives and POLST

Module 3: POLST Conversations

Module 4: POLST Tools

Module 5: POLST Implementation

Module 6: Medicare Reimbursement

Module 7: Carousel Cases

Pediatric POLST & EMS

POLST in Translation
If you are an EMS provider and would like to receive continuing education credit, please complete the module on the Pennsylvania EMS TRAIN website (link: PA-EMS Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) for EMS Providers - TRAIN PA - an affiliate of the TRAIN Learning Network powered by the Public Health Foundation )